Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Time is a ticking away. I am down to the last week and a half of school. oh boy, has it flown by! I must say I happily welcome summer. What college kid longs for more time in school? Pleaseee. 

Anywho, along with the end of the school year, comes thoughts of my quickly approaching year in Pohnpei. Today I checked on my fundraising and I am touched by all my friends and family who have given so graciously. THANK YOU!! I am so blessed (hence the title) to have such humble people in my life. God continues to show me that He has big plans in store for me. 

As I was spending some time with Jesus tonight, I came across a fitting verse to share with you all. 

" At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need." 2 Corinthians 8:14

I hope to return all the kindness and love that people have shown me. 

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